

Blog & News of HIGH-END

Core Audio will exhibit in Hungary on AUDIO EXPO Budapest, 5-6th October 2024

After 2023 Münich High End Show our products will be available again for the listeners at the international audio show in Hungary, Budapest: AUDIO EXPO.

We are so proud to can exhibit together with so famous brands and historical high-end manufacturers like MBL and TARA LABS. Many products will be the first time possible to listen in Hungary:

- Core Audio PREMIUM family will debut at the show

- MBL 111F loudspeakers with 6010D preamplifier and 9008A monoblock power amplifier will be the analog side

- TARA Labs introduced in the past few weeks some amazing products like RSC PrimeXL AC cables, RSC Air Evolution 2 IC cables with HFX grounding system

We would like to kindly invite you and warmly welcome in the room Nr. 401.

Best Regards,

Core Audio team

Core Audio own product's updated pricelist

Our new pricelist is now available here. We are refreshing our webpage continuously. If you need any further information or about the availability of our products please contact us with confidence.

Some of our product is now in development and test phase and we are planning to introduce them in 2020 Q4. 

The new pricelist is valid from 15.08.2020

                                                                                                    Best Regards,

                                                                                                                                   Core Audio team

JCAT - Core Audio cooperation and dealership


We are so proud to announce a new partnership with the famous electric, electonic component manufacturer and software developer company called JCAT. Our plan is that in the future Core Audio music servers will be assembled as option with JCAT USB Cards or/and JCAT Ethernet Cards, JCAT cables. It was an extra connection point between our companies that Core Audio's DAIDO Music Sever MasterClocks can connect and control directly the JCAT USB Femto and JCAT Ethernet Femto cards with the same reference signal as the other components. 

Actualised pricelist is available in Other products menu.

We wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


New distributor for Asian Region

AfterDark - HongKong

We are pleased to announce our new regional distribution partner for an Asian Region : AfterDark 

The company's headquarter is in HongKong and start the selling of Core Audio products from this year.

You can contact the company if you are a dealer or customer on his website:


We are looking for an international distributors for CORE AUDIO products. Please contact us on viktor@coreaudio.eu mail address. 

                                                                                         Core Audio Team

Audio Video Show 2019 - Warsaw

2019.11.08 - 2019.11.10

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